So, what exactly happened today? The Supreme Court decided "Obama Care" including the individual mandate is constitutional after all. How can this be when it mandates the purchase of a product? The Answer is simple. The Obama administration took a page out of FDR's play book and lied to the American People. We were told this would be revenue neutral and no tax increase would be included, but the argument they used in court when it was challenged, was that this is simply a tax increase. Did you catch that? Yes, Obama Care is after all nothing more than a Constitutional TAX... Good Job you leftist crap heads. You just supported the finest example of Crony Crapitalism that exists today. Now the Evil Corporations that you vilify will profit beyond their wildest dreams while a whole industry is swallowed up by the Federal Beast.
Side note to those of you who believe Mitt Romney will actually do anything about this if elected. You are smoking some really good stuff, will you share? I need to get high in order to deal with the frustration of this all. Sure, the (R)'s are going to pretend fight this. They might even pass a bill in the House to make it look good and they will roll out the usual suspects like Michelle Bachmann to make it look like they are really serious about this, but in the end, it will all fade away. Even if Mitt Romney is elected the fight will fall, some other issue will take center stage. They will probably find another scary Muslim that needs to be dealt with before America is doomed, or some such nonsense. There will be another armed conflict that requires our full attention and by that time the American people will largely be getting used to the idea that our Health Care is being provided by corporate/government partnerships.
God Bless America...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
SCOTUS decides Obama Care "Tax" is Constitutional
Friday, June 22, 2012
Fast and Furious
I understand the criticism against President Obama and AG Eric Holder,
after all this was going to be the most transparent administration
ever. That being said, It bothers me that so many people are so upset
at the actual act which occurred and not the cover up. As a liberty
loving American, I believe everyone should be allowed to own
firearms. I also believe criminals will obtain firearms one way or
another, whether they are legal or not. If law enforcement wants to
track the trade channels of cartels through this seems
like a reasonable way to do it. I mean, I don't aggree with the war on drugs at all, I think it needs to end, but as far as proper law enforcement techniques go, you need to follow the money.
It's sad that American law
enforcement officers died, but their death is not a result of under cover
guns, the deaths are a result of criminals, shooting them. The policy
might be questionable in how it was carried out, but these murderers
would have obtained firearms some way if the under cover guns were not available. As a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment I hear all the time, that "guns don't kill people, people do". I think it's time we remember that. We can't expect people to take us seriously if now we jump on this bandwagon, that these guns are to blame. They were a tool, that is all.
You might not agree with the Obama administration on the program, and that is fine, that is your right. We won't all agree all the time on policies and how they are carried out, but the real problem here, the problem that should be the focus of our attention is that the Obama Administration is holding out, hiding the documents which will tell us exactly what happened and how it happened. Focus on the real problem and not the fluff being pedaled by the talking heads.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Modern Main Stream Media 6-21-2012
Yesterday President Obama asserted executive privilege over the documents subpoenaed by Congress in Regards to the "Fast and Furious" case, minutes before the committee contempt hearing began. AG Eric Holder had previously offered to provide some of the documents to congressional investigators if they agreed to end the investigation. It's funny how when the Bush Administration had used executive privilege it was a huge story that all the News Networks picked up and ran with. What was ABC's lead story yesterday? The Heat Wave, WHAT!!! CBS covered it briefly and you can find some articles online about it, but unless you get your news from Conservative or alternative sources, you might not even know it happened. You might not even know that AG Holder is very close to being held in contempt of Congress, and you might actually believe that the "Fast and Furious" case is all a Republican Hoax...
This is what's happening to our Main Stream Media, it's sad really.
S. 2205: 2nd Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012
S. 2205 Introduced by Kansas Senator Jerry Moran is the latest attempt to prevent further intrusion from Anti-Gun U.N. Treaty mandates. This would prohibit the Obama
administration from following the UN Arms Trade
Treaty (ATT). The ATT is another attempt to impose massive restrictions on U.S. gun
- Require the registration and license of American firearms.
- Require “micro stamping” of ammunition.
- Define manufacturing so broadly that any gun owner who adds an accessory such as a scope or changes a stock on a firearm would be required to obtain a manufacturing license.
- Again, ban large categories of firearms all together.
Please take a minute to urge your own Senators to cosponsor S. 2205, the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Do you like Talk Radio?
Do you listen to Sean Hannity, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner), Rush Limbaugh,(Mitt Romney is the Front Runner), Mark Levin, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner), Michael Savage, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner), Glenn Beck, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner), Dave Ramsey (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) or Coast to Coast radio, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner)? If you answer yes, then you are a faithful customer of Clear Channel Communications. That's the parent company of Premiere Networks, Inc. (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) which syndicates 90 radio programs (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) and services to more than 5,000 radio affiliations (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) and reaches over 190 million listeners weekly. (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) If you listen to any of these talkers, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) you will likely also believe that the GOP Presidential Nominating process is over. (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) It's likely you've believed this for some time, and that you think we should support Mitt Romney (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) as the best chance the Republican Party has to beat President Obama. (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner)
If you listen to any of these talkers, it's also likely that you get much of your news from Fox News, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) whether you actually watch Fox News on T.V. or not, since Clear Channel has an arrangement which provides Fox News Radio to most of it's Radio Frequencies. (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) So even if you don't ever turn on the cable channel, you are getting much of the very same spin on the radio, as you would get from turning on the tube. (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) Is this making you think yet? What if you do watch Fox News from time to time, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) don't worry, we're all human, I also will watch Fox News once in a while. I particularly like to watch Fox and MSNBC back to back or side by side, more for my general amusement than anything else.
If you do watch, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) it's likely you believe Mitt Romney has been the "Front Runner" from the very beginning, even when when he was coming in 3rd and 4th in the major polls, and state events. It's likely you remember names such as Herman Cain, Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann even when you were being told Mitt Romney is the "Front Runner". You might even remember Ron Paul essentially tied Rick Santorum at the Iowa Straw Poll, but was never really considered a "Serious" candidate, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner) because Mitt Romney is the "Front Runner" despite his poor finish. You may even remember a movement called the TEA Party, who swore they would not support Mitt Romney as their candidate. I remember the good old days... (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner)
Now Mitt Romney is the perceived GOP nominee and the race is over right? Maybe, but do you also know that Bain Capital, that evil Corporation that the left has been trying to demonize for months now also plays a role in all this media talk? I don't have a problem with Bain Capital, I think Business is great, and profit making is a beautiful thing, but did you know that Bain Capital owns Clear Channel, which owns Premiere Networks who has the the agreement with Fox News? I'm sure it's just a great big coincidence.
Cheers, (Mitt Romney is the Front Runner)
Monday, June 11, 2012
"Obama Has Signed 923 Executive Orders In 40 Months!" Is baseless and untrue
If you receive the newsletter from Vision to America™ — A Division of Christian Worldview Communications, please note that the headline story "Obama Has Signed 923 Executive Orders In 40 Months!" Is baseless and untrue. Vision to America has acknowledged this and added a footnote to the story apologizing for it's lack of fact checking prior to publishing.
It appears the Blog 1461 Days, has a good running total of all the executive orders (126 for BO) as well as a listing for Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr and Reagan as well as FDR with his whopping 3,728 Executive Orders. You can also see the actual Executive Orders on the National Archives website.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Mike Madigan’s 11 favorite Republicans
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Vermilion County, IL Republicans say no to Dr. Ron Paul
85,000 People in IL voted for Ron Paul in the Primary and the only chance those of us in IL have to share our ideals at the National Convention rest in the hands of the Chairmen of Delegations from the Counties and Wards throughout the state. We need 50 signatures for the chance to make a motion on the floor of the IL state Convention. This motion would simply allow a floor vote on 6 Delegates who represent Ron Paul, which equals the number of Delegates equal to the 85,000 who voted for Dr. Paul. Mike Marron, the Vermilion County Chairman has decided he would not give those of us who believe Dr. Paul's ideals a voice. Without this motion 85,000 in the state of IL will be disenfranchised.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The people of Wisconsin have spoken
Despite big organized labor, the Democrat machine and all their dollars, the state of Wisconsin choose to keep their Republican Governor who promised to cut taxes and lower spending while reducing public sector union power. Scott Walker is still the top Executive in Wisconsin despite making good on his promise to end some collective bargaining for public sector unions in the state. This is a huge win not only for the state of Wisconsin but for the nation. This might show that people are ready to except the lessons of history including that collective entitlements are not in the best interests of society at large and only serve to enrich those in control at the time. Good job Wisconsin, I hope the nation follows you.