Monday, April 2, 2012


Diazepam (AKA Valium) is used to relieve anxiety and to control agitation. It is often used by people to calm their nerves.

Marijuana (AKA Weed or Grass) is also used to relieve anxiety and control agitation. It's often used by people to calm their nerves.

Diazepam has a list of known side effects which include:
drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, weakness, dry mouth, nausea and changes in appetite.

Marijuana has a list of known side effects which include:
drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, weakness, dry mouth, nausea and changes in appetite.

Diazepam is a chemical cocktail made my Pharmaceutical companies.

Marijuana is all natural and grows in the dirt with the help of sunlight and water.

Diazepam is legal and people who use it are considered treated.

Marijuana is illegal and people who use it are considered thugs and criminals.

Do you see the problem with the war on Drugs?



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