Thursday, July 30, 2009

H.R. 3247

OK if you thought HR 3200 (Health Care Bill) was bad enough, wait there's more. Now the Congress is debating a bill the would create another Director (Czar) who would head an organization that would be responsible for researching how to control the American people on their energy uses. The bill would authorize $60 Million Dollars over 6 years. This would create a Social and Behavioral Research Advisory Committee. WHAT IS THAT???

Do we need this? Do we need to spend another $60 Million on this committee now? Is this the American Way? If you ask me, no.

You should really read this. Surprisingly this bill is only 5 pages long so it's actually something you can read in 10 minutes. Find it here.



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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Liberal Fascism By Jonah Goldberg

This is a really eye opening opening book for anyone born after 1960 as well as anyone who has noticed that both Left and Right Wing folks throw around the F word when speaking about Political Leaders. I thought I understood pretty well the history of Fascism but this book opened my eyes to facts that I never knew about our American history. Things that they certainly do not teach you in school and Liberal Professors won't touch in fear that their ideals might be placed in question. If think you think you understand what Fascism is and where it came from you should read this book. if you don't understand what it is or where it came from you should REALLY READ THIS BOOK!

For those of you who are turned off by Goldberg's title, and the identification of the progressive education establishment as "Liberal Fascism", it would benefit you to do one simple thing, Read Goldberg's book.

In it, you will discover that the term "liberal fascism" was coined by H.G. Wells, a leading British Progressive (much better known today for his SF writing), to refer to the his Progressive platform. You will also find how enamored the various movements of the Left (Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Progressivism and Nazism) are to government mandated and controlled education. Head Start, anyone? Let's make it mandatory...

You'll discover that Fascism's historical record is the least anti-Semitic of all the Left's movements, and it has been unfairly tainted by Communist/Socialist propagandist AND its close political (not quite so close philosophical) association with Nazism (aka National Socialism. More importantly, you'll learn that neither Fascism nor Nazism are of the Right, but rather firmly located within the collectivist Left. A collectivist Left shared with Progressivism. Which brings us back to modern "Progressives" who want mandatory kindergarten and pre-school. What the post does is raise the question of the effectiveness of such efforts as measured by their proponents' standards.



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Friday, July 24, 2009

Is Obama Serious?

I mean Really, is he serious? Is he really serious?

It's taken me a few days to really digest Presidents Obama's Speech on Wednesday night. If we were not in the middle of "The Great Recession" as it's been coined and unemployment wasn't at 10% and rising than maybe I could stomach his taking credit for rescuing the economy. What did he rescue? AIG, GM and a few other huge Wall Street players might have gotten bailouts, but rescue the economy. I don't think so. I've heard professionals range in opinion saying we have seen the worst to the worst has yet to come. Let's see where we are in a year or so longer before anyone says or takes credit for rescuing the economy.

I don't know about you all but I counted 5 statements that he made that could be called bald face lies, or at least could not possibly be proven correct. I also did not hear him answer hardly a single question he was asked. I know, I know that's political speak 101, but this it Mr. Change we can believe in. Mr. Transparent. What's with all the double speak and run around. We understand that the President has a doctor following his ass around, but what about Congress? He didn't say whether or not it would apply to them.

Notice how he made reference to the Trillion Dollar deficit he inherited at least three times. And how he continues to push the idea that this is not going to be a government run plan. Well at least not right away, Wink, Wink. I also watched the town hall and the interview. It's quite apparent that this man does not even know what exactly is in the bill.

I also love how our President actually thinks there are Doctors who decide to have a child's tonsils removed because it's more profitable. I don't have kids but I'm pretty sure that parents are not bringing their kids into a surgeons office when they have a sore throat. I'm also pretty sure that it's the surgeon who gets paid for that and not the pediatrician. Again Which Country is it that Obama is from, it's kinda like he doesn't even know how the system works.

I'm very concerned where all this is going. You should be as well. I urge you all to stay informed on what's going on and speak out whenever you get the opportunity. Make an effort to create opportunity. Make sure those who are not informed hear the rest of the story.



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Saturday, July 18, 2009

More Crazy Nutty News

Nancy Pelosi says that they'll use surplus cash from Tax hikes to pay down the deficit if it's not needed for health care. Joe Bidden says that we need to keep spending more to avoid bankruptcy. Congress wants to force through a public option Health Care but make themselves exempt from it. Which Country is this that we live in? I'm confused.

First if we think there is a chance that we may not need all the cash for Health Care why are we raising taxes to get it? If anyone believe that a dollar of that money would go towards lowering the deficit after they have it in their coffers, they're nuts. If the Federal Government has shown anything at all, it's proven that they do not use surplus cash to pay off debt, they use it to expand and add programs. Second It wouldn't be surplus cash. We're already in massive debt. The idea that we should raise more money to spend more money on some public option health care plan is insane. Can you imagine if in your own household budget, you had several thousand dollars more debt than you had income coming in to cover. Then you decide to get a second job so you can afford a new car. ??? Does that make sense?

Joe Bidden, well I can't say much here that most people don't already know. But JOE, COME ON JOE! I mean really!!! Is that what you meant to say? It's politicians like this that make our younger generations confused. They listen to what their parents say and then go out into the world, where they are indoctrinated into hope and change. Then they are retrained by our leaders that the only way to avoid financial collapse is to continue to increase spending. No wonder that so many younger folks think that there is plenty of money to pay for everything is only all the rich people paid their fair share.

As for the health care issue, I think it's plain and simple. If Congress won't participate in the plan than obviously it must be crap. Do you understand what the word elitist means? Congress I'm talking to you. It's this kind of nonsense that makes me want to run for Congress. I feel like the average federal legislator really believes that they are some how that much better than the average folks. The taxpayers and workers who keep the nation moving are the ones who you work for. They are the ones you should be answering to. It's time we take a seriously hard look at the people we are voting for and decide if they are really fighting for us or themselves.



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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Carl Cannon White House Reporter say, "We took sides"!

I mean really, They the press took sides. I had no idea. I mean I watched allot of the 2008 campaign coverage and It was clear that the media treated Joe Bidden the same as Sarah Palin. They covered how he might not be able to be a good father while performing the Post of VP. They also grilled him on his lavish wardrobe. And most visible was how they tested him at every turn on his historical knowledge. I was born in 1977 and I remember watching the coverage of the great depression on T.V. And I know Joe Bidden is much more brilliant than Sarah Palin.

If you believe the above ramble, YOU MIGHT BE A LIBERAL.

I think the coverage of last years campaign was a bright and shinny example of media bias. Anyone who thinks otherwise might have drank a bit too much Kool-Aid OOHHH YEAH!!!
If the mass media ever reclaims its honor I think it's fair to say that books will be written about how the media in 2008 was completely in the bag for Obama and the progressive movement. I fear however that glory days of subjective journalism are long over.



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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bend Over Rich Folks Here it Comes!!!

Universal Health Care, the main issue they have in getting it done is the cost. Not anymore. All they need to do is have those bloody rich pay a little more of their fair share. It's almost like those idiots are trying to eliminate as many jobs as they can, kill any chance of a recovery. It's almost sick to accuse those who make $250k rich. I don't know what planet Politicians are living on but a family with an income of $250K probably is not vacationing in the Hampton's and certainly are not cruising the Caribbean in their own private yacht.

This is an attack based on wealth envy pure and simple. The politicians know darn well that they are in power right now in large part due to the votes of those who make much less than $250K. Most people who do not understand the implications this will have on jobs will simply shrug it off since it will not effect them. Those who do understand are simply part of the minority and there fore pose no threat.

We need to start waking people up. We need the small business owners to start sitting down with their employees and going over the numbers with everyone. Everyone who works for a Small Business needs to understand the liabilities and how much their employment costs. Then small business owners need to be blunt with their people and explain how much this tax will effect them. Spell out how many jobs will be cut if this goes forward.

I fear this may be the last chance we have to turn the tide on this one. If you love freedom and think capitalism works I implore you! You need to call your Senators, Urge all you know to call their Senators. Hell Call everyone, Tell Everyone. This and the Climate Change bill have the power to transform the face of our nation as we know it into a place where were the only the truly rich can afford to light their homes and we wait for months to see a doctor.

Good Luck All,


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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Barney Frank Will Never Learn!

Barney Frank and Anthony Weiner wrote a letter to the CEO's of both FannieMae and FreddieMac, warning that a 70 percent sales threshold "may be too onerous" which could lead to condo buyers Shunning new developments. Hello!!! Mr. Frank, that's what we need right now. A slow down in Development. We have over developed for how long now? The legislators asked the companies to "make appropriate adjustments" to their underwriting standards for condos. I read this on Reuters on 6-22-09 and was amazed that there was not more coverage on it. I did hear Glenn beck mention it a few days later, but almost no major coverage before or after that.

Didn't we just learn the hard way what happens when you lower lending standards. What I find more interesting is that this was not the first time it's ever happened. After a little research I find that each time the government as stepped in to make lending easier the end result is higher foreclosures. The Situation in the 30's,60's and 1980's were not as bad as today, but the numbers were a mere fraction of what we see today all across the board. In each instance however Congress made some move to try and ease the credit requirements so people could own their own home. Just like this time with the Community Reinvestment act of 1977, which Congress used to bully financial institutions into lending to folks they would not ordinarily lend to.

The foreclosure and delinquency rates on single family homes is out of control right now. Condo's are not much better, and Barney Frank wants to open the flood gates again, already, while we're not even done feeling the effects of the last wave. Many still predict that the market we are in right now is a "Calm Before the Storm". Add to this the havoc our economy will suffer due to Cap and Trade if it passes as well as Universal Health Care and were in for wild ride. All I can say right now is that all of us who grew up with everything we ever needed and mostly everthing we wanted may get a chance to see those bread lines our Grand Parents and Great Grand Parents told us about.



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Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. A day I always remember. I have very found memories of 4th's growing up and will always try to remember that on current and future 4th's. I also make an effort to remember all those people who gave their lives so I can have found memories.

Only 2, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was approved in closed session of Congress. John Adams told his wife that day would always be remembered. We of course remember the 4th since that is the day it was ratified. Either way it means the same to us. We won our Independence from Great Britain. Our freedom and Independence is what we have been fighting for since then. Since then we have become the strongest and most feared nation on the face of the earth.

We need to remember that in 1775 Great Britain was the strongest and most feared nation on the face of the earth. If we love freedom and wish to retain Independence we need to do more to remember the historical significance of July 4th and start acting like it.

Happy 4th of July,


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Friday, July 3, 2009

I thought all republicans were white racists!

It seems funny to me how we keep seeing more and more black and brown people on Fox News claiming to be republicans. I can't believe the level racism has reached in this country. Black and Brown racists, it's shocking. How are we supposed to come together in this country if we keep growing the population of black and brown people who hate black and brown people. I mean that is how it works, right. Janeane Garofalo told us that this was racism straight up, right. We heard over and over that if we didn't like Barack Obama we were racists. I guess it's only a matter of time now until we see black and brown on black and brown riots in the streets of America when the black and brown people who hate black and brown people rise up and beat the lowly black and brown people down.

This is of course me being as sarcastic as I can possibly be. But put this into perspective. It's impossible to believe that all non-white people think Barack Obama is the greatest man ever, obviously there are those who will stand for their beliefs and speak out, no matter the color of a persons skin. That's what Martin Luther King Jr. wanted, right? Are these not his words?

"I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream -- a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men will not argue that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of the human personality."

Didn't Martin Luther King Jr. want his people, all people to stand up for what they believe in? Do you think he wanted black people to vote for a black man simply because he's black? Is that what he meant by, "a dream of a land where men will not argue that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character"?

Also please pay special note to the part of that quote that everyone seems to overlook and flat ignore, "OR ANY OTHER DISTINCTIONS". How do you suppose Martin Luther King Jr. would feel about us running around today calling each other, African American, Italian American or German-Mexican American. Is this not a distinction that emphasizes the fact that we are racially different from one another. Think about this the next time some Liberal tells you that Tea Parties and Republicans are just racist groups.



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Sarah Palin 2012

Now that Sarah Palin has stepped aside as Governor of Alaska she'll be able to position herself as a serious candidate for 2012. I think it's funny how all the Liberal talking heads are already coming out today and saying this is the end of her political career. This may just be the beginning of her next step in her career. Liberals would like nothing more than see her down and out, wishful thinking I'll say. She may be the most real politician we've seen in a long, long time and this is what allot of people are eager for.

I for one am a fan, I'll support her. I know many are against her saying, "she needs to bone up on her foreign Policy knowledge". I'd vote for her with no Foreign Policy Knowledge. We as a nation need to start worrying less about what every other nation is doing, let's focus on the U.S. When we have our stuff neatly tied up and in order than we can go back to being the helping hand of the world.

Sarah Palin had more Executive Experience than Barack Obama and had just as much experience in foreign affairs as he did, which was NONE. Yet, when she ran as McCain's Vice Presidential candidate, she was treated like a worthless idiot. How many people traveled far and wide to go see Sarah Palin? Than this moronic McCain aid come out and blames her for their loss. I'm sorry but you got as close as you did because of Palin. I can't imagine another figure that would have drawn the kind of crowds that Sarah Palin drew.

If she does decide to run in 2012 I'd be torn between her and Mike Huckabee. How about a Palin/Huckabee ticket? Unless some other independent comes along that really has the right stuff That's where I'll be directing my attention.



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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Helen Thomas and Chip Reid turn on Gibbs!!!

Again, another sign that Liberal Media is starting to straighten up.

Maybe just maybe we might see some hard questions come to the forefront.

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